The aim of this campaign is to protect, with farmers permission, their livestock and poultry from either being culled or injected with mrna technology, under the guise of ‘bird flu’.
Further to recent reports from the US, we are seeing a rising narrative supporting the story that bird flu cases are growing, with some reports suggesting this ‘virus’ is jumping from birds to livestock and then to humans.
We have now seen a UK flock of 1.6 million chickens be slaughtered, this year on 21st January 2025, under the classification of 'bird flu'.
We have every reason to believe the overall narrative is a fallacy and is being used by global governments, their agencies, NGO’s and other unelected control groups, to gain further control of our food production systems, food sovereignty, and our farmland.
The use of PCR tests as a diagnostic tool is the first alarm bell that would suggest this narrative is a fallacy and we have yet to see any solid and supported scientific, independent, evidence that this suggested outbreak is of any genuine concern. Again, they are seemingly lying.
In response to these initial reports, we would recommend we organise a campaign to either stop this from becoming a UK narrative, OR, if it goes that far, mobilise the people of the UK to stop the relevant bodies from getting ‘on-site’ on farms.

‘Guard The Gate’ supports Farmers and Rearers, by assisting local communities in fundamentally doing, what it says on the tin, #GuardTheGate.
The following points highlight the basic process of the aims and actions of this campaign;
Connect with poultry and livestock farmers to get a ‘feel’ of their thoughts on the narrative.
Start using social media (and other platforms) to highlight the nonsense of PCR tests, the evidence to suggest this ‘issue’ will come to the UK, and the basic plan of this campaign.
Lead those interested to establish a local group of concerned people, via Whatsapp/Telegram/Signal, who can come together to get organised.
Share the message that in these groups, should a local farmer reach out, a small team of local people (first wave) would get to the concerned farmer immediately and physically stand at the gate to stop DEFRA/police/Biohaz from entering the private farm land.
Those in the first wave can use their vehicles and their physical presence to turn these people away. Should these be a problem, they then call in the second wave of people, which will ideally be a much bigger group.
NOBODY on our side is to become physical, aggressive or inflammatory at any point, except only in self defence. NOBODY on our side is to antagonise a situation or make threats. WE only respond if required to defend ourselves. THEY have to make the first move.
Each team of the First Wave have a couple of dedicated people who are steady and calm, ideally those people will be trained in the basics of their lawful position and are able to maintain a calm environment. They just refuse to comply and hold the line. These people would also be given basic training in understanding the science of PCR tests and normal viral activity.
Should the Second Wave have to attend, please ensure each group has a couple of people ready to record the entire process and ideally someone to stream everything live to social media.
The aims of this campaign are to ensure we don’t lose poultry or livestock and we don’t risk having mrna poison bought into our food chain.
By utilising the people of the local community then we ensure people feel empowered, the numbers should grow as awareness grows, and if we start now (before things really kick off in the uk) we are sending a loud message to the establishment straight away – They DO NOT get to mess with our food!

What You Can Do:
Empowering farmers with knowledge on bird flu and bio-security measures for better practices.
Understanding Bird Flu
Are mRNA vaccines a direct threat to farming?
Your Rights Matter in English/British Law
Know your rights against public agencies to safeguard your farming practices and livelihood. Click Here for More
Connect with Local Farming & Rights Communities
Reach out for support and information regarding bird flu, bio-security, and best practices for protecting our farmers and food sources and support on asserting your rights in Law to protect your farm.
At Rapid Response, we defend our (yours and ours) rights and property against unlawful actions. Our network supports communities in upholding traditional customs and ensuring lawful protection against bailiff, eviction threats & authoritarian overreach and control.
Farmers to Action is a Network by farmers, for farmers, dedicated to defending our livelihoods and creating a fairer future for everyone across Great Britain.
We’re not here to watch from the sidelines - we’re here to act. From fighting for policies that protect farming and rural communities to mobilizing a united, purposeful network, this is your chance to be part of something bigger.
Together, we can secure the future of farming and our country..