Bird-Flu Current Information & Vaccination Facts

Author: Roger Meacock – Resident Vet

Avian Influenza (AI) and current Vaccination Facts:

- AI is a notifiable disease in the UK.
- The AI virus is an RNA virus which mutates easily but has not mutated to easily infect people or other species.
- Wild birds and waterfowl especially are a significant reservoir of infection, so minimise your birds' and animals' contact with them as much as possible.
- High pathogenicity strains are highly infectious with high mortality to other birds only.
- Birds infected with low pathogenicity strains can recover but aren't necessarily fully protected against highly pathogenic strains.
- Only people who are severely immune suppressed with co-morbidities are at any possible risk of infection.
- Even in people who do get infected, symptoms can be mild to severe. Death in people is extremely rare.
- Stress will reduce immunity in general, so always minimise excess stress.

PCR Testing:

- Kary Mullis PhD who got a Nobel Prize for developing the PCR test said it should not be used for disease diagnosis.
- PCR amplifies the presence of biological material so that something present in tiny amounts can be detected eg finding DNA at a crime scene. A positive result does not mean the criminal is still present at the scene!
- Each cycle of the PCR test doubles the material present at an exponential rate. If the Cycle threshold (Ct) is less than 24 the original sample can be considered infectious. Above Ct = 24 it cannot be considered infectious.
- Over-cycling the PCR up to Ct = 40 cannot therefore be considered as an indication of active infectivity, and may only indicate a contaminant or past infection.
- A PCR test can only be properly interpreted in light of knowing the Ct value. Insist on being told this number and especially whether any test was positive at Ct = 24 or lower.
- Virus isolation is the only true method to detect presence of infection, but takes time.

Vaccination Types:

- Conventional vaccines are currently made in chicken eggs and cannot be produced in sufficient numbers quickly enough, especially if a new strain emerges.
- Being produced in chicken eggs, contaminant chicken egg material may induce unintended consequences such as auto-immunity.
- Due to the high AI mutation rate and antibody strain specificity required for protection, vaccination is not very effective and will increase the pressure to mutate and evade vaccine-induced antibodies
- The chicken immune system doesn't mature until 6-8 weeks old. How effective is vaccination before this age?
- The mRNA platform are not true vaccines just because the definition has been changed to accommodate them. mRNA injections can induce severe unintended adverse reactions which may be fast onset or delayed.
- mRNA and/or the proteins they instruct the body to produce may induce protein misfolding which can manifest as amyloid or prions.
- Prions cause Transmissable Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) such as BSE and Scrapie. Some prions can cross species to humans and cause Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease (CJD).
- Prions are highly indestructible and can contaminate the environment which could include soil, soil organisms, the water and may be taken up by plant roots and distributed to the leaves.
- Widespread mRNA use amongst food brids and animals has the potential to contaminate those individuals and the environment and potentially food crops.
- The speed at which mRNA products are currently developed (in weeks) and brought to market do not allow sufficient time to establish their safety either in the short term or long term.
- The short-cuts being taken in product manufacture add additional layers of danger.
- I think that covers the main points, but you might decide to trim some of these.

If you want more detailed information you can read my Open Letter of Concern to the VMD that I
and Dr Kevin McCairn co-authored on my vet website here: