The UK biosecurity industry is a billion pound behemoth, with hundreds of companies offering 'solutions' to suggested biosecurity concerns within the agricultural industry. It is true that many farmers suffer at the hands of disease build-up, however a vaccine and chemical led programme that offers suggested solutions is NOT the answer. Biosecurity products are expensive, often heavily loaded with chemicals and often aren't even effective.
The REAL issue is HOW we farm. As farmers have been encouraged, over the last couple of decades, to focus on yield and a more intensive approach to farming methods, usually dictated by supermarkets and DEFRA, we have seen an increasing concern with regards to animal health. Whereas historically farmers have allowed their animals a more natural way to live, with outdoor space, natural sunlight, clean ground to graze and peck, and natural ways to keep themselves clean, in more recent years we have watched poultry packed into sheds, with little to no natural light, additive and antibiotic loaded feed, chemically cleaned water lines and no space for natural behaviour, PLUS thousands of birds packed into these sheds, it is not surprising that disease can easily build-up. There are natural ways to support the immune function of poultry, and it doesn't cost much money! For example, allowing birds outside onto clean ground (rotate the birds every couple of weeks onto fresh ground) and this means they will consume bugs and nutrition from the ground. Give them a small amount of ACV (apple cider vinegar) in their water regularly and this will support a healthy gut. Allow them to clean themselves in sand, with a small amount of Diatomaceous Earth, and this will keep parasites out of their plumage. Allow the birds an organic, natural feed to support immunity - source from local farmers. There are many ways to keep birds healthy but the current, government recommended, intensive farming approach will continue to damage farmers, the birds, the consumers and our natural environment.